And here’s another weird thing. When Adam runs away after eating the apple, God has to call out to him “Where art thou?” For a God who’s supposed to be omnipotent and all knowing, this is a very strange thing to say. He should have no trouble at all working out exactly where Adam is.
The Gnostics referred to him as Samael, the blind God. He’s not pure evil, but he is deeply flawed – and he’s created a world which is deeply flawed as well. But although he’s blind, he’s not stupid. He knows that his position of authority will be undermined if human beings become aware of the truth. So he and his collaborators have attempted to convince us that it is all our fault - that we sinned when we ate of the tree of the knowledge and are being punished for it. But the reality is that the Garden of Eden was flawed from the very beginning. We just couldn’t see it at first.
So it’s down to us to resolve the flaws in the imperfect world that we inhabit. The Gnostics talked about achieving a “pleroma” or “fullness”, where we would banish the false, incompetent God and achieve a divine state ourselves; here at E-Gnosis, we call it the Singularity.
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